Republic of Ambazonia Official Website

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    President Jerry John Rawlings, Ghana 2017

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    Ambazonia Judgment Execution Resolution of 06-22-08 MD-USA

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    West Africa, 2017.

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Progress bar

Use the [progress] shortcode to create a progress bar in your content. The progress bar width is defined by the width option. The following options can be used in the style parameter:

Options Description
uk-progress-mini Size modifier for a mini progress bar
uk-progress-small Size modifier for a small progress bar
uk-progress-primary Color modifier for a blue progress bar
uk-progress-success Color modifier for a green progress bar
uk-progress-warning Color modifier for an orange progress bar
uk-progress-danger Color modifier for a red progress bar
uk-progress-striped Add stripes to the progress bar
uk-active Animate a striped progress bar

Simple progress bar


[progress style="" width=40][/progress]

Size modifiers


[progress style="uk-progress-mini" width=40][/progress] [progress style="uk-progress-small" width=50][/progress] [progress style="" width=60][/progress]

Colored progress bars


[progress style="uk-progress-primary" width=30][/progress] [progress style="uk-progress-success" width=40][/progress] [progress style="uk-progress-warning" width=50][/progress] [progress style="uk-progress-danger" width=60][/progress]

Combined options



[progress style="uk-progress-success uk-progress-striped uk-active" width=45]loading...[/progress]

Talk to us

085 888 5555