Republic of Ambazonia Official Website

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    President Jerry John Rawlings, Ghana 2017

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    Ambazonia Judgment Execution Resolution of 06-22-08 MD-USA

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    West Africa, 2017.

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Our Pricing

Use the [pricing_grid] shortcode to create a set of pricing tables. You can create a minimum of 2 pricing tables and a maximum of 6 pricing tables.

Two column pricing tables


from £9 a month

  • 24/5 Support
  • 3 months Renewal
  • 1 User Licence
  • No Contracts
  • 1 Domain

from £29 a month

  • 24/7 Support
  • 7 months Renewal
  • 5 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • 5 Domain

show code

[pricing_grid columns="2"] [pricing_table table-config="" price="from £7 a month" table-caption="Plan 1" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 3[/li] [/pricing_table][pricing_table table-config="" price="from £20 a month" table-caption="Plan 3" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 3[/li] [/pricing_table] [/pricing_grid]


from £9 a month

  • 24/5 Support
  • 3 months Renewal
  • 1 User Licence
  • No Contracts
  • 1 Domain

from £19 a month

  • 24/6 Support
  • 5 months Renewal
  • 3 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • 3 Domain

from £29 a month

  • 24/7 Support
  • 7 months Renewal
  • 5 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • 5 Domain

show code

[pricing_grid columns="3"] [pricing_table table-config="" price="from £7 a month" table-caption="Plan 1" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 3[/li] [/pricing_table][pricing_table table-config="" price="from £15 a month" table-caption="Plan 2" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 3[/li] [/pricing_table][pricing_table table-config="" price="from £20 a month" table-caption="Plan 3" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 3[/li] [/pricing_table] [/pricing_grid]

Pricing tables with focus

You can set a pricing table to have focus by using the tm-table-focus option in the table-config attribute. You can further shift the focus pricing table upwards to create symmetry by using the tm-shift-top option. Notice also how the focused table has more items to make it larger and thus fitting with the shift.


from £39 a month

  • 24/5 Support
  • 3 months Renewal
  • 1 User Licence
  • Contracts
  • Unlimited bandwidth

from £49 a month

  • 24/6 Support
  • 5 months Renewal
  • 3 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • 3 Domain
  • Unlimited bandwidth

from £69 a month

  • 24/7 Support
  • 7 months Renewal
  • 5 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • Unlimited bandwidth

show code

[pricing_grid columns="3"] [pricing_table table-config="" price="from £7 a month" table-caption="Plan 1" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]Not included[/li] [/pricing_table][pricing_table table-config="tm-table-focus tm-shift-top" price="from £15 a month" table-caption="Plan 2" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]<a href="#" title="your tooltip goes here" data-uk-tooltip="{pos: 'top'}"><abbr>detail with tooltip</abbr></a>[/li] [/pricing_table][pricing_table table-config="" price="from £20 a month" table-caption="Plan 3" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]Not included[/li] [/pricing_table] [/pricing_grid]

Four column pricing tables


from £9 a month

  • 24/5 Support
  • 3 months Renewal
  • 1 User Licence
  • No Contracts
  • 1 Domain

from £19 a month

  • 24/6 Support
  • 5 months Renewal
  • 3 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • 3 Domain

from £29 a month

  • 24/6 Support
  • 5 months Renewal
  • 3 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • 3 Domain

from £199 a month

  • 24/7 Support
  • 7 months Renewal
  • 5 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • 5 Domain

show code

[pricing_grid columns="4"] [pricing_table table-config="" price="from £7 a month" table-caption="Plan 1" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 3[/li] [/pricing_table][pricing_table table-config="" price="from £15 a month" table-caption="Plan 2" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 3[/li] [/pricing_table][pricing_table table-config="" price="from £20 a month" table-caption="Plan 3" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 3[/li] [/pricing_table][pricing_table table-config="" price="from £39 a month" table-caption="Plan 3" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 3[/li] [/pricing_table] [/pricing_grid]

Four column animated pricing tables

Use the [pricing_table_animate] shortcode to animate the pricing tables. You can set the animation as fade, scale-up, scale-down, slide-top, slide-bottom, slide-left, slide-right, shake or scale. Set the delay option in milliseconds to alter the order in which they appear.


from £9 a month

  • 24/5 Support
  • 3 months Renewal
  • 1 User Licence
  • No Contracts
  • 1 Domain

from £19 a month

  • 24/6 Support
  • 5 months Renewal
  • 3 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • 3 Domain

from £29 a month

  • 24/6 Support
  • 5 months Renewal
  • 3 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • Best option
  • 3 Domain

from £199 a month

  • 24/7 Support
  • 7 months Renewal
  • 5 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • 5 Domain

show code

[pricing_grid columns="4"] [pricing_table_animate table-config="" price="from £9 a month" table-caption="Basic" action-url="#" action-caption="Get quote" animation="slide-right" delay="300"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]24/5 Support[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]3 months Renewal[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]1 User Licence[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]No Contracts[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]1 Domain[/li] [/pricing_table_animate] [pricing_table_animate table-config="" price="from £19 a month" table-caption="Premium" action-url="#" action-caption="Get quote" animation="slide-right" delay="100"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]24/6 Support[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]5 months Renewal[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]3 User Licences[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]No Contracts[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]3 Domain[/li] [/pricing_table_animate] [pricing_table_animate table-config="tm-table-focus tm-shift-top" price="from £29 a month" table-caption="Standard" action-url="#" action-caption="Get quote" animation="fade" delay="50"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]24/6 Support[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]5 months Renewal[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]3 User Licences[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]No Contracts[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]Best option[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]3 Domain[/li] [/pricing_table_animate] [pricing_table_animate table-config="" price="from £199 a month" table-caption="Developer" action-url="#" action-caption="Get quote" animation="slide-left" delay="400"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]24/7 Support[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]7 months Renewal[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]5 User Licences[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]No Contracts[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]5 Domain[/li] [/pricing_table_animate] [/pricing_grid]

Five column pricing tables


from £9 a month

  • 24/5 Support
  • 3 months Renewal
  • 1 User Licence
  • No Contracts
  • 1 Domain

from £19 a month

  • 24/6 Support
  • 5 months Renewal
  • 3 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • 3 Domain

from £29 a month

  • 24/6 Support
  • 5 months Renewal
  • 3 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • 3 Domain
  • Free support

from £59 a month

  • 24/6 Support
  • 5 months Renewal
  • 3 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • 3 Domain

from £199 a month

  • 24/7 Support
  • 7 months Renewal
  • 5 User Licences
  • No Contracts
  • 5 Domain

show code

[pricing_grid columns="5"] [pricing_table table-config="" price="from £7 a month" table-caption="Plan 1" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 3[/li] [/pricing_table][pricing_table table-config="" price="from £15 a month" table-caption="Plan 2" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 3[/li] [/pricing_table][pricing_table table-config="tm-table-focus tm-shift-top" price="from £20 a month" table-caption="Plan 3" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 3[/li] [/pricing_table][pricing_table table-config="" price="from £20 a month" table-caption="Plan 4" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 3[/li] [/pricing_table][pricing_table table-config="" price="from £39 a month" table-caption="Plan 5" action-url="#" action-caption="Buy Now"] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 1[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 2[/li] [li icon="icon-grav-checkmark-circle"]detail 3[/li] [/pricing_table] [/pricing_grid]

3 Column Gallery

show code

[grid_column size="3"] [lightbox src="/images/demo/gallery/1.jpg" title="title" group="gallery1" style=""] [overlay_icon][image style="uk-overlay-scale" src="/images/demo/gallery/1.jpg" alt="image" width="605" height="605"/][/overlay_icon] [/lightbox] [lightbox src="/images/demo/gallery/2.jpg" title="title" group="gallery1" style=""] [overlay_icon][image style="uk-overlay-scale" src="/images/demo/gallery/2.jpg" alt="image" width="605" height="605"/][/overlay_icon] [/lightbox] [lightbox src="/images/demo/gallery/3.jpg" title="title" group="gallery1" style=""] [overlay_icon][image style="uk-overlay-scale" src="/images/demo/gallery/3.jpg" alt="image" width="605" height="605"/][/overlay_icon] [/lightbox] [/grid_column]

4 Column Gallery

show code

[grid_column size="4"] [lightbox src="/images/demo/gallery/1.jpg" title="title" group="gallery1" style=""] [overlay_icon style="uk-overlay-scale" src="/images/demo/gallery/1.jpg" alt="image" width="605" height="605"/] [/lightbox] [lightbox src="/images/demo/gallery/2.jpg" title="title" group="gallery1" style=""] [overlay_icon style="uk-overlay-scale" src="/images/demo/gallery/2.jpg" alt="image" width="605" height="605"/] [/lightbox] [lightbox src="/images/demo/gallery/3.jpg" title="title" group="gallery1" style=""] [overlay_icon style="uk-overlay-scale" src="/images/demo/gallery/3.jpg" alt="image" width="605" height="605"/] [/lightbox] [lightbox src="/images/demo/gallery/4.jpg" title="title" group="gallery1" style=""] [overlay_icon style="uk-overlay-scale" src="/images/demo/gallery/4.jpg" alt="image" width="605" height="605"/] [/lightbox] [/grid_column]

Portfolio Blocks

This project was done by John Doe on themeforest and cost him $35. All the work was done in under 2 months and completed on time and within the stipulated budget guidelines

Eeiusmod tempor

Pellentesque adipiscing odio eu neque gravida vehicula. Ut ultricies diam vel est convallis non auctor dui scelerisque. Quisque at erat sem

This project was done by Jane Doe on codecanyon and cost him $6. All the work was done in under 4 days and completed on time and within the stipulated budget guidelines

Eeiusmod tempor

Pellentesque adipiscing odio eu neque gravida vehicula. Ut ultricies diam vel est convallis non auctor dui scelerisque. Quisque at erat sem

This project was done by Henry Doe on photodune and cost him roughly $1. All the work was done in under 1 year and completed on time and within the stipulated budget guidelines

Eeiusmod tempor

Pellentesque adipiscing odio eu neque gravida vehicula. Ut ultricies diam vel est convallis non auctor dui scelerisque. Quisque at erat sem

show code

[blockquote author=""] This project was done by John Doe on themeforest and cost him $35. All the work was done in under 2 months and completed on time and within the stipulated budget guidelines [/blockquote] [line_break/] [grid_column size="4"] [block style=""] [heading size="h3" style="uk-module-title"]Eeiusmod tempor[/heading] Pellentesque adipiscing odio eu neque gravida vehicula. Ut ultricies diam vel est convallis non auctor dui scelerisque. Quisque at erat sem [/block] [lightbox src="/images/demo/gallery/1.jpg" title="your title goes here" group="gallery1" style=""] [overlay_icon][image style="uk-overlay-scale" src="/images/demo/gallery/1.jpg" alt="image" width="605" height="605"/][/overlay_icon] [/lightbox] [lightbox src="/images/demo/gallery/2.jpg" title="your title goes here" group="gallery1" style=""] [overlay_icon][image style="uk-overlay-scale" src="/images/demo/gallery/2.jpg" alt="image" width="605" height="605"/][/overlay_icon] [/lightbox] [lightbox src="/images/demo/gallery/3.jpg" title="your title goes here" group="gallery1" style=""] [overlay_icon][image style="uk-overlay-scale" src="/images/demo/gallery/3.jpg" alt="image" width="605" height="605"/][/overlay_icon] [/lightbox] [/grid_column]

Talk to us

085 888 5555