Stop the French Inspired Anti-American Propaganda


Fellow Ambazonians,

To this day we have heard no voice against the sale of the entire Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) to Mitterrand’s son Christophe Mitterrand.

To this day we have heard nothing against the fact that all crude Petroleum which is exploited from Cameroon is marketed for us by France. And 95% of Cameroon external revenue is from Ambazonian oil wells.

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Anniversary of Cameroon Recognition of Ambazonian Sovereignty



On 11/11/85 the Cameroon Parliament unanimously called for a round table conference where Ambazonia and Cameroon would meet on the basis of mutual sovereign equality as it was at the 1961 Foumban conference. Any lawyer worth that profession agrees that this constitutes recognition of Ambazonia as a sovereign nation by Cameroons Legislature. That’s why Paul Biya accused S.T Muna of leading a pro Dinka parliamentary revolt against his regime. And consequently, Biya treated Muna as a rebel and refused to meet with Muna until Muna quit politics and eventual passed on.

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Paul Biya Hands off Ambazonia; Paul Biya Obey The Law


 On the 50th anniversary of Cameroon Aggression


During the 50th anniversary celebration of Cameroon independence on 20 May 2010, the United Nations reminded all UN Member States that in international law the country called CAMEROON is the former UN Trust Territory of French Cameroun. The President of the UN General Assembly dramatized this by presenting President Paul Biya with a framed map of French Cameroun (as is seen in figure 1 below) as the map of Cameroon.

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Ambazonian Law Enforcement Machine: Congratulations


Ambazonian Law Enforcement Machine: Congratulations

Cameroon arrested Justice Muluh Mbuh planning to let him just rot in jail without charge just as many Ambazonians who are misled by their leaders to call themselves Anglophone Cameroonians or Southern Cameroonians. But at a given signal the Ambazonian Law Enforcement Machine went into action. Funds were collected for feeding Mbuh and for two lawyers.

Lead Attorney Nyah Ebui was backed by the HCB/28/92 Hero Barrister Blaise Berinyuywho forced the prosecution to either release the prisoner or charged him. Cameroon charged Mbuh with secession; a treasonable felony punishable with death by a firing squad. And by so doing Cameroon walked into an Ambazonian trap.

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Cameroon Lawlessness -v- Ambazonian Law Enforcement Action


Cameroon Lawlessness -v- Ambazonian Law Enforcement Action

The terms of Union which Ambazonia voted at the UN plebiscite were:

(a) to create a Confederacy of Two Independent Nations
(b) it was only in the 8 matters called Federal Matters, that the federal authorities would be allowed to make laws; and such a law is only to harmonize any law of a State with that of another State in that subject.

The terms of union which Ahidjo proposed to the Leaders of Southern British Cameroons at the Foumban Conference were totally different from the terms of the plebiscite. If the leaders of Southern British Cameroons were law abiding they would have stood firm on the terms of the plebiscite, and Ahidjo would either have had to accept it or forget about any union at all.

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