- Adamstown Minutes of Feb 25 2001
- Administrative Units & Population Density
- Ambazonian Diasporan Asylum Agency
- Ambaz Star -maiden edition
- Ambaz Star Page 15
- Ambaz Star Page 16
- Ambazonia Inter-pleader Summons at ICJ- May 1994
- Ambazonia Civil Defence Force Enrolment Form
- Ambazonian Constitution
- Ambazonian Gov't in exile Proposal to stop the sale of CDC
- Ambazonian Strategy for Restoration of Power to the People Rejected by SDF
- Bakassi deal invalid
- Bakassi Peninsular Dispute
- Breach of International Obligations
- Boundary Treaty Between British and French Cameroons (Original Version)
- Cameroun as Illegal Landlord over Ambazonia
- Cameroon Membership Application at the UN
- Constitution of The Federal Republic of Cameroon
- Courrier by Gorji Dinka to Paul Biya (Retyped copy)
- Enforcement of Judgments by Extra-Judicial Process
- Fon Dinka's Reply to CAM - Why Only the Truth Shall Set Us Free
- Fon Dinka's Plea for Ambazonia-SCNC Merger Rejected by SCNC
- HCB28-92 Explained by Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka
- HCB28-92 Le Messager
- HCB28-92 of Challenge Bi-Hebdo no 105 of Monday August 23-1993
- HCB28-92 Retyped
- Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (31 July 1958)
- Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (13 Jan 1960)
- Her Britannic Majesty’s Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (13 Jun 1960)
- Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (16 Mar 1961)
- Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (21 Mar 1961)
- Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (26 Jun 1961)
- Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (29 Jun 1961)
- Her Britannic Majesty Queen's Speech (17th October 1961)
- Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Decision on Southern Cameroons (28 Nov 1961)
- K.N.C - K.P.P. Merger, and Formation of Cameroons Peoples National Convention
- Legal Analysis of UN Article 76b on Future of the Cameroons under British Administration
- Legal Analysis of UN Article 76b on Termination of the Trusteeship Agreement of British Cameroons
- Letter to Biya on 3 Wise Men
- Muna's Speech at the UN GA Acknowledging Unification & Independence of The Cameroons
- Nigeria-Ambazonia Judgement Implementation Cooperation Accord
- Nigerian Gov't Offer to use Good Offices & Assistance
- Notification of Judgment of Suit FHC-ABJ-CS-526-2013
- Open Letter to the L'Etat-Major of Cameroun
- Open Letter to Paul Biya: We Must Prevent A Blood Bath
- Proclamation Formalizing the Independence of Ambazonia (Retyped)
- Republic of Ambazonia at Organisation of African Unity-June 1991
- Republic of Ambazonia Eastern Boundary with Cameroun
- Republic of Ambazonia is Anchored on Restoration Law No. 84/01
- Republic of Ambazonia's letter to the UN
- Republic of Ambazonia's Petition at the UN
- Republic of Cameroun's Constitution as Amended by Restoration Law 84/01
- Request for Assistance
- Southern Cameroons Independence Constitution
- Statement of Treaties and International Agreements
- Statement made by UK Representative at the 959th meeting of the Trusteeship Council
- The Greentre Agreement and the illegal alteration of ICJ Judgment
- The most sophisticated slave trade deal under UN cover
- The New Social Order
- The Rebellion of Ambazonia
- The Two Alternatives (full document)
- The Two Alternatives Option 1 -Federation of Nigeria and Southern Cameroons
- The Two Alternatives Option 2 -Republic of Cameroun and Southern Cameroons
- The United States Government Stand on Southern Cameroons Declassified
- Trusteeship Agreement on Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration
- United Nations Gift of Maps to Paul Biya on 20 May 2010
- United Nations Human Rights Committee Decision CCPR/C/83/D/1134/2002
- UN Legal Analysis or Interpretation of Article 85 as Applied to British Cameroons & others
- US State Dept notes on Ambazonia interpleader Summons at ICJ
- Verification of Cameroun-Ambazonia Talks
Ambazonian Documents
Official Ambazonian Documents
- Adamstown Minutes of Feb 25 2001
- Administrative Units & Population Density
- Ambazonian Diasporan Asylum Agency
- Ambaz Star -maiden edition
- Ambaz Star Page 15
- Ambaz Star Page 16
- Ambazonia Inter-pleader Summons at ICJ- May 1994
- Ambazonia Civil Defence Force Enrolment Form
- Ambazonian Constitution
- Ambazonian Gov't in exile Proposal to stop the sale of CDC
- Ambazonian Strategy for Restoration of Power to the People Rejected by SDF
- Bakassi deal invalid
- Bakassi Peninsular Dispute
- Breach of International Obligations
- Boundary Treaty Between British and French Cameroons (Original Version)
- Cameroun as Illegal Landlord over Ambazonia
- Cameroon Membership Application at the UN
- Constitution of The Federal Republic of Cameroon
- Courrier by Gorji Dinka to Paul Biya (Retyped copy)
- Enforcement of Judgments by Extra-Judicial Process
- Fon Dinka's Reply to CAM - Why Only the Truth Shall Set Us Free
- Fon Dinka's Plea for Ambazonia-SCNC Merger Rejected by SCNC
- HCB28-92 Explained by Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka
- HCB28-92 Le Messager
- HCB28-92 of Challenge Bi-Hebdo no 105 of Monday August 23-1993
- HCB28-92 Retyped
- Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (31 July 1958)
- Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (13 Jan 1960)
- Her Britannic Majesty’s Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (13 Jun 1960)
- Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (16 Mar 1961)
- Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (21 Mar 1961)
- Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (26 Jun 1961)
- Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (29 Jun 1961)
- Her Britannic Majesty Queen's Speech (17th October 1961)
- Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Decision on Southern Cameroons (28 Nov 1961)
- Legal Analysis of UN Article 76b on Future of the Cameroons under British Administration
- Legal Analysis of UN Article 76b on Termination of the Trusteeship Agreement of British Cameroons
- Letter to Biya on 3 Wise Men
- Muna's Speech at the UN GA Acknowledging Unification & Independence of The Cameroons
- Nigeria-Ambazonia Judgement Implementation Cooperation Accord
- Nigerian Gov't Offer to use Good Offices & Assistance
- Notification of Judgment of Suit FHC-ABJ-CS-526-2013
- Open Letter to the L'Etat-Major of Cameroun
- Open Letter to Paul Biya: We Must Prevent A Blood Bath
- Proclamation Formalizing the Independence of Ambazonia (Retyped)
- Republic of Ambazonia at Organisation of African Unity-June 1991
- Republic of Ambazonia Eastern Boundary with Cameroun
- Republic of Ambazonia is Anchored on Restoration Law No. 84/01
- Republic of Ambazonia's letter to the UN
- Republic of Ambazonia's Petition at the UN
- Republic of Cameroun's Constitution as Amended by Restoration Law 84/01
- Request for Assistance
- Southern Cameroons Independence Constitution
- Statement of Treaties and International Agreements
- The Greentre Agreement and the illegal alteration of ICJ Judgment
- The most sophisticated slave trade deal under UN cover
- The New Social Order
- The Rebellion of Ambazonia
- The Two Alternatives (full document)
- The Two Alternatives Option 1 -Federation of Nigeria and Southern Cameroons
- The Two Alternatives Option 2 -Republic of Cameroun and Southern Cameroons
- The United States Government Stand on Southern Cameroons Declassified
- Trusteeship Agreement on Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration
- United Nations Gift of Maps to Paul Biya on 20 May 2010
- United Nations Human Rights Committee Decision CCPR/C/83/D/1134/2002
- UN Legal Analysis or Interpretation of Article 85 as Applied to British Cameroons & others
- US State Dept notes on Ambazonia interpleader Summons at ICJ
- Verification of Cameroun-Ambazonia Talks