Republic of Ambazonia Official Website

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    President Jerry John Rawlings, Ghana 2017

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    Ambazonia Judgment Execution Resolution of 06-22-08 MD-USA

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    West Africa, 2017.

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Ambazonian Documents

Ambazonian Documents

  1. Adamstown Minutes of Feb 25 2001
  2. Administrative Units & Population Density
  3. Ambazonian Diasporan Asylum Agency
  4. Ambaz Star -maiden edition
  5. Ambaz Star Page 15
  6. Ambaz Star Page 16
  7. Ambazonia Inter-pleader Summons at ICJ- May 1994
  8. Ambazonia Civil Defence Force Enrolment Form
  9. Ambazonian Constitution
  10. Ambazonian Gov't in exile Proposal to stop the sale of CDC
  11. Ambazonian Strategy for Restoration of Power to the People Rejected by SDF
  12. Bakassi deal invalid
  13. Bakassi Peninsular Dispute
  14. Breach of International Obligations
  15. Boundary Treaty Between British and French Cameroons (Original Version)
  16. Cameroun as Illegal Landlord over Ambazonia
  17. Cameroon Membership Application at the UN
  18. Constitution of The Federal Republic of Cameroon
  19. Courrier by Gorji Dinka to Paul Biya (Retyped copy)
  20. Enforcement of Judgments by Extra-Judicial Process
  21. Fon Dinka's Reply to CAM - Why Only the Truth Shall Set Us Free
  22. Fon Dinka's Plea for Ambazonia-SCNC Merger Rejected by SCNC
  23. HCB28-92 Explained by Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka
  24. HCB28-92 Le Messager
  25. HCB28-92 of Challenge Bi-Hebdo no 105 of Monday August 23-1993
  26. HCB28-92 Retyped
  27. Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (31 July 1958)
  28. Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (13 Jan 1960)
  29. Her Britannic Majesty’s Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (13 Jun 1960)
  30. Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (16 Mar 1961)
  31. Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (21 Mar 1961)
  32. Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (26 Jun 1961)
  33. Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (29 Jun 1961)
  34. Her Britannic Majesty Queen's Speech (17th October 1961)
  35. Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Decision on Southern Cameroons (28 Nov 1961)
  36. K.N.C - K.P.P. Merger, and Formation of Cameroons Peoples National Convention
  37. Legal Analysis of UN Article 76b on Future of the Cameroons under British Administration
  38. Legal Analysis of UN Article 76b on Termination of the Trusteeship Agreement of British Cameroons
  39. Letter to Biya on 3 Wise Men
  40. Muna's Speech at the UN GA Acknowledging Unification & Independence of The Cameroons
  41. Nigeria-Ambazonia Judgement Implementation Cooperation Accord
  42. Nigerian Gov't Offer to use Good Offices & Assistance
  43. Notification of Judgment of Suit FHC-ABJ-CS-526-2013
  44. Open Letter to the L'Etat-Major of Cameroun
  45. Open Letter to Paul Biya: We Must Prevent A Blood Bath
  46. Proclamation Formalizing the Independence of Ambazonia (Retyped)
  47. Republic of Ambazonia at Organisation of African Unity-June 1991
  48. Republic of Ambazonia Eastern Boundary with Cameroun
  49. Republic of Ambazonia is Anchored on Restoration Law No. 84/01
  50. Republic of Ambazonia's letter to the UN
  51. Republic of Ambazonia's Petition at the UN
  52. Republic of Cameroun's Constitution as Amended by Restoration Law 84/01
  53. Request for Assistance
  54. Southern Cameroons Independence Constitution
  55. Statement of Treaties and International Agreements
  56. Statement made by UK Representative at the 959th meeting of the Trusteeship Council
  57. The Greentre Agreement and the illegal alteration of ICJ Judgment
  58. The most sophisticated slave trade deal under UN cover
  59. The New Social Order
  60. The Rebellion of Ambazonia
  61. The Two Alternatives (full document)
  62. The Two Alternatives Option 1 -Federation of Nigeria and Southern Cameroons
  63. The Two Alternatives Option 2 -Republic of Cameroun and Southern Cameroons
  64. The United States Government Stand on Southern Cameroons Declassified
  65. Trusteeship Agreement on Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration
  66. United Nations Gift of Maps to Paul Biya on 20 May 2010
  67. United Nations Human Rights Committee Decision CCPR/C/83/D/1134/2002
  68. UN Legal Analysis or Interpretation of Article 85 as Applied to British Cameroons & others
  69. US State Dept notes on Ambazonia interpleader Summons at ICJ
  70. Verification of Cameroun-Ambazonia Talks


Official Ambazonian Documents

  1. Adamstown Minutes of Feb 25 2001
  2. Administrative Units & Population Density
  3. Ambazonian Diasporan Asylum Agency
  4. Ambaz Star -maiden edition
  5. Ambaz Star Page 15
  6. Ambaz Star Page 16
  7. Ambazonia Inter-pleader Summons at ICJ- May 1994
  8. Ambazonia Civil Defence Force Enrolment Form
  9. Ambazonian Constitution
  10. Ambazonian Gov't in exile Proposal to stop the sale of CDC
  11. Ambazonian Strategy for Restoration of Power to the People Rejected by SDF
  12. Bakassi deal invalid
  13. Bakassi Peninsular Dispute
  14. Breach of International Obligations
  15. Boundary Treaty Between British and French Cameroons (Original Version)
  16. Cameroun as Illegal Landlord over Ambazonia
  17. Cameroon Membership Application at the UN
  18. Constitution of The Federal Republic of Cameroon
  19. Courrier by Gorji Dinka to Paul Biya (Retyped copy)
  20. Enforcement of Judgments by Extra-Judicial Process
  21. Fon Dinka's Reply to CAM - Why Only the Truth Shall Set Us Free
  22. Fon Dinka's Plea for Ambazonia-SCNC Merger Rejected by SCNC
  23. HCB28-92 Explained by Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka
  24. HCB28-92 Le Messager
  25. HCB28-92 of Challenge Bi-Hebdo no 105 of Monday August 23-1993
  26. HCB28-92 Retyped
  27. Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (31 July 1958)
  28. Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (13 Jan 1960)
  29. Her Britannic Majesty’s Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (13 Jun 1960)
  30. Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (16 Mar 1961)
  31. Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (21 Mar 1961)
  32. Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (26 Jun 1961)
  33. Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Secret on Southern Cameroons (29 Jun 1961)
  34. Her Britannic Majesty Queen's Speech (17th October 1961)
  35. Her Britannic Majesty's Gov't Decision on Southern Cameroons (28 Nov 1961)
  36. Legal Analysis of UN Article 76b on Future of the Cameroons under British Administration
  37. Legal Analysis of UN Article 76b on Termination of the Trusteeship Agreement of British Cameroons
  38. Letter to Biya on 3 Wise Men
  39. Muna's Speech at the UN GA Acknowledging Unification & Independence of The Cameroons
  40. Nigeria-Ambazonia Judgement Implementation Cooperation Accord
  41. Nigerian Gov't Offer to use Good Offices & Assistance
  42. Notification of Judgment of Suit FHC-ABJ-CS-526-2013
  43. Open Letter to the L'Etat-Major of Cameroun
  44. Open Letter to Paul Biya: We Must Prevent A Blood Bath
  45. Proclamation Formalizing the Independence of Ambazonia (Retyped)
  46. Republic of Ambazonia at Organisation of African Unity-June 1991
  47. Republic of Ambazonia Eastern Boundary with Cameroun
  48. Republic of Ambazonia is Anchored on Restoration Law No. 84/01
  49. Republic of Ambazonia's letter to the UN
  50. Republic of Ambazonia's Petition at the UN
  51. Republic of Cameroun's Constitution as Amended by Restoration Law 84/01
  52. Request for Assistance
  53. Southern Cameroons Independence Constitution
  54. Statement of Treaties and International Agreements
  55. The Greentre Agreement and the illegal alteration of ICJ Judgment
  56. The most sophisticated slave trade deal under UN cover
  57. The New Social Order
  58. The Rebellion of Ambazonia
  59. The Two Alternatives (full document)
  60. The Two Alternatives Option 1 -Federation of Nigeria and Southern Cameroons
  61. The Two Alternatives Option 2 -Republic of Cameroun and Southern Cameroons
  62. The United States Government Stand on Southern Cameroons Declassified
  63. Trusteeship Agreement on Cameroons under United Kingdom Administration
  64. United Nations Gift of Maps to Paul Biya on 20 May 2010
  65. United Nations Human Rights Committee Decision CCPR/C/83/D/1134/2002
  66. UN Legal Analysis or Interpretation of Article 85 as Applied to British Cameroons & others
  67. US State Dept notes on Ambazonia interpleader Summons at ICJ
  68. Verification of Cameroun-Ambazonia Talks

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