Ambazonia Rising to fall no more

Ambazonia Rising, Rising, Rising
Ambazonia Rising to fall no more!

Diaspora, did you hear that? Our elites & intelligentsia, did you hear the chanting?

Ambazonia Rising, Rising, Rising
Ambazonia Rising to fall no more!

The youths in the home front have decided to take matters into their own hands by telling the world that they are Ambazonians and NOT Cameroonians.

It is time for those our elites & intelligentsia who keeps calling themselves Southern Cameroonians (Southern Crayfishes) to follow suit and start calling themselves Ambazonians. Just because the slave/colonial master once called you Crayfish (Njanga) doesn’t mean that you should remain Crayfish. Only someone suffering from a colonial/slave mentality would call him/herself Crayfish just because the colonial/slave master called you Crayfish.

Some of you always write “La Republic du CameroUn” with emphasis on the “U” just to distinguish it from your own Southern Cameroons. But here are a few facts found in UN records that you should know:

[1] French Cameroon became independent on 1st January 1960 and took the name Republic of Cameroon (English) or La Republique du Cameroun (French)

[2] In UN document number S/4256 of 19 January 1960, the Prime Minister of the STATE OF CAMEROONS H. E Ahmadu Ahidjo applied for membership of the STATE OF CAMEROONS into the UN on 13th January 1960.

[3] Trusteeship Agreement for the Territory of the CAMEROUNS under British Administration. Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13th December 1946. In accordance with the General Assembly's resolution 1608 (XV) adopted on 21 April 1961, the above-mentioned Agreement was terminated with respect to the Southern CAMEROUNS, on 1 October 1961, upon its joining the Republic of Cameroun. Registered ex officio on 1st October 1961.

Please take note of spelling of SOUTHERN CAMEROUNS and the various spellings of Cameroon in UN Records.

This simply tells us that as far as the UN and the international community is concern, Cameroon, Camerouns, Cameroun or Cameroons is one and the same country and so Southern Cameroons is the same as Southern Cameroon or Southern Cameroun or Southern Camerouns. Even the British who once called us Southern Cameroons and today calling us Southern CAMEROON without an “S”.

So we always look ridiculous before the international Community when we claim to be Anglo Saxons yet we write La Republique du Cameroun (French) instead of Republic of Cameroon (English) or just Cameroon. All this just because we do not want to have our own unique identity. No wonder the international community call us “Anglo Sucksons” because we suck when it comes to identity & nationalism.

But thank God the home front in general and the youths in particular have seen through this folly and are today calling themselves Ambazonians.

Ambazonia Rising, Rising, Rising
Ambazonia Rising to fall no more!

Tanyi Ojongmboh

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