Emmanuel Mbela Lifafa Endeley
In 1957, Endeley squeaked out a victory to become the first Prime Minister of Southern British Cameroons; he was installed the following year. In January 1959, voters replaced Endeley with Foncha. Read more ...
John Ngu Foncah
He founded the Kamerun National Democratic Party (KNDP) in 1955 and became Premier of Southern British Cameroons on 1st February 1959. From 1st October 1961 to 13th May 1965, Foncha concurrently served as Prime Minister of West Cameroon as well as Vice-President of the Federal Republic of Cameroon. Read more ...
Augustine Ngom Jua
The popular A.N Jua was Prime Minister of Ambazonia from 1965 to 1968, a mere three years. But they were eventful ones. Immediately prior to his appointment as Prime Minister on 12 May 1965, Jua held the portfolio of Minister of Finance in the Ambazonian Government. Read more ...
Solomon Tandeng Muna
Prime Minister of the federated state of West Cameroon (Ambazonia). Since 1972 Minister of State in the United Republic of Cameroon. Read more ...

HRH Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka
Biography and Resume
Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka is an educated Christian as well as Traditional Ruler (Fon) of the Widikum Kingdom, an aboriginal kingdom of the erstwhile Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia Republic). Fon Dinka believes in freedom of worship, in freedom of speech, and also in the diligent application of the rule of law by modern governments.
Above all else, he believes in the right of self-determinations of all peoples, especially given the experience of his native land, The Republic of Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons) and the illegal occupation and gross human rights abuses by the Republic of Cameroun subsequent administration under the lies of unity via the 1961 UN Plebiscite. Thus to the Fon, no peoples should ever be subjected to the kind of relations his peoples of Ambazonia have had with Cameroun Republic for the last 44 years!

Justice Muluh Mbuh
Justice M. Mbuh is a Researcher, Writer, Educationist, Economist, Political Scientist, International Legal Luminary and Defender, Lecturer and Political Activist.
He was born in West Cameroon (Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia), shortly after the UN Plebiscite of 11 February 1961. He schooled at Presbyterian School Pinyin, his village of origin; Presbyterian School Wum; City College of Commerce, Mankon, Bamenda; Cameroon Protestant College (CPC) Bali; Ahmadou Bello University (ABU), Zaria, Nigeria (1990); the University of South Carolina (USC), USA (1993-1997, -2000) and took a Professional course—Organization/Planning School Effectiveness with Projects in Education, an affiliate of Catholic University, Washington, DC, USA (2006). He is holder of a Masters in International Relations, specializing in US Foreign Policy, International Law and International Conflict; an Interdisciplinary Master of Education in Education (a double Education and Economics), and a B. Sc., in Economics.